thoughts on making
work anniversaries better
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Great work anniversaries are a team sport
Do you want amazing work anniversaries at your organization? Get more people involved!
Elinor Smith
August 17th is Elinor Smith day!
Celebrate by learning about Elinor Smith’s amazing life.
Improve work anniversaries at your organization without permission
You don’t need the CEO or HR or any of the managers at any of the levels above you to give you permission. You can make work anniversaries where you work better, and you can start right now!
Fun committees and work anniversaries
Fun committees go by many names, but whatever yours is called, they can play a big role in making work anniversaries more fun!
Performance reviews, pay raises, and work anniversaries
Effectively communicating to employees when to expect performance reviews and pay raises is foundational to the success of any work anniversary program. Further, at the organizations with the best work anniversary programs, performance reviews and pay raises will not happen on or near work anniversaries.
Work anniversaries can help you hire better
What makes your organization special to employees? How do you communicate that on your careers page, in your job posts, and as part of your hiring process? Work anniversaries can help!
Perceived organizational support and work anniversaries
Use work anniversaries to reinforce a reciprocal relationship of trusting support rather than a cold economic relationship where each side is trying to get by with minimal contribution
Work anniversary celebration events after work
Having a formal event after work exclusively to celebrate work anniversaries is not especially common, but for some organizations, it can be extraordinarily meaningful and memorable. Learn more about whether it makes sense for your organization!
The Quarter Century Club
Among the many unsung wonders of work anniversaries is the ability to improve interdepartmental cooperation. How, you ask? Through starting a Quarter Century Club!
The graphic designers’ guide to work anniversary design
Work anniversaries are a great opportunity for a graphic designer or experience designer to have a direct and lasting impact on their fellow coworkers.
CEOs and work anniversaries
Work anniversaries can help CEOs with two things: (1) more easily personally connect with front-line employees, and (2) reinforce the importance of things they care about.
Skip-level work anniversary conversations
Work anniversaries solve all of the skip-level conversation challenges — How do you choose who to talk to? How do you explain why? How do you bridge the divide in your roles? How do you resist the pull to postpone or cancel? How do you avoid that going-to-the-principal vibe?
Why great work anniversaries are so hard
Have you ever wondered why it’s so rare to hear a story about someone having an amazing work anniversary?
Communicating work anniversary dates within your organization
Want to improve work anniversaries at your organization? Wondering where to start? Start here! Nothing great is going to happen if no one knows when it should happen.
Paid sabbaticals
Of all the work anniversary gifts, paid sabbaticals are the most potentially life‑changing.
Executive assistants and work anniversaries
As an executive assistant, your efforts to help the executive with work anniversaries can have a much bigger impact than you might suspect!
What are work anniversaries really?
Work anniversaries are much more than just another year passing. This blog post explores the deeper significance of work anniversaries.
Top 10 work anniversary mistakes to avoid
After talking to hundreds of employees in dozens of countries, we have assembled the top 10 work anniversary mistakes. Avoid pain by learning from others’ mistakes!
The 4-day workweek and work anniversaries
Momentum is growing for the transition to a 4-day work week. This post explores the often overlooked impact of the 4-day workweek on work anniversaries. If your organization is considering moving to 4-day workweeks, or already has, then this post is a must-read!
Looking for a great work anniversary gift idea?
Maximize meaningfulness — while minimizing cost and effort